June 18, 2024

Video portrait: Tschabalala Self



Born and raised in Harlem, New York, Tschabalala Self (b. 1990) pushes the traditional boundaries of painting with her innovative use of pigments, textiles and printmaking methods. Infusing her work with her experiences as a Black American woman, Self deconstructs and reimagines Western portrayals of the Black body. In the video, Self discusses her artistic practice and her solo exhibition, Around the Way, which opened at EMMA in May 2024. The colourful displays in the exhibition evoke the metropolitan landscapes of Harlem and the atmosphere of its domestic interiors.   

Tschabalala Self is the seventh artist to join InCollection series of exhibitions co-produced by EMMA and Saastamoinen Foundation. 

Watch the video ↓

Production: EMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museo
Direction and editing: Paula Virta
Filming: Paula Virta, ojeras
Colourist: Sam Smith / Hide Film
Script: Nella Aarne, Paula Virta
Interview: Nella Aarne
Artworks: Tschabalala Self
Image credits: Paula Virta / EMMA
Subtitles: Said Dakash, Spoken  

Lyrics by Jesse Markin
Music by Totte Rautiainen
Arrangement by Jesse Markin and Totte Rautiainen 

Special thanks: Tschabalala Self Studio, Pilar Corrias 

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